6 October 2015

Oh Noooooo!!!!

Oh Noooooo!!!!
Ouch actually.
An ant bit me..
Actually I was not aware of the ant which was on my jeans which I wore without realizing it which bit me and made me move like I wanna go to the loo the whole time.
Too many which till I don't know which is which. Haaaahaaa...

And the funny thing when you have many siblings is they don't say something nice but they will be bullying you the whole time..yeahh they said pity the ant..daa what a brother..sigh..

Then my brother told me..no actually us a story,
According to him,the other day he and my father was travelling from somewhere by lorry..My brother was driving the lorry and suddenly my father grabbed his arm like he was in pain...my brother got shocked and stopped to check on him..
My dad was grabbing and squishing something on his arm...he thought something poisonous crawled inside his long sleeve and bit him..When that little thing stopped moving my brother helped him to take off that shirt to realize they was making a scene for a poor little grasshopper which my father squished to death..

My mom was laughing the most ...
My father is indeed a funny man.He added on while listening ..next time you feel something is biting you just squish it...Yea right pa:)

Coming back to me...The itchiness was gone..Lesson learnt anyway.

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